START your PYTHON Engine
Please watch this video:
In this video, we show you:
- How to install R
- How to get data and code
- How to use R for Deep Credit Risk
1. How to install R and R Studio:
- Install R on your machine:
- Open an internet browser and go to
- Click the "download R" link
- Select the link that matches your geographic location
- Select the link that matches your operating system
- Click on the link "install R for the first time"
- Click "Download R" and save the .exe file on your computer
- Run the .exe file and follow the installation instructions
- Install R Studio:
- Open an internet browser and go to
- Click on the link "Download"
- Click on "Download RStudio Desktop"
- Select the version recommended for your system and save .exe file
- Run the .exe file and follow the installation instructions
- An (less popular) alternative IDE is Jupyter Notebook, which also enables Python and SAS. To install:
- Download the Anaconda for R 3.x from:
- Select your operating system
- Choose either the 32bit or 64bit option
- Go through the installation prompts. Click on "Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable. [...]"
- After the installation, search for Anaconda Navigator in the Start menu. Here you will find the RStudio application for installation
- Open in Anaconda Prompt and install R by changing the path to the R_execution_path and type "R.exe". For example: "cd 'C:\Program FilesR\R-4.1.0\bin\x64\R.exe"
- Now run "install.packages("IRkernel")", then "IRkernel::installspec()", then "q()"
- Open Jupyter Notebook, make sure the kernel is set to R (default may be Python) and you are ready to start
2. How to get data and code:
- Download pressing the button below;
- Consider saving data and code in the same folder;
- Extract file